Quebec Immigration

Quebec Immigration (PNP)

, Quebec Immigration

Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) ??

Quebec is becoming next favorite choice to learn earn and live for many immigrants worldwide. Every year Quebec welcomes some 45,000 immigrants from over 100 countries who actively participate in its economic, social and cultural development. The more you know about Quebec, the better you will be able to make informed decisions and the best choices for you!

Welcome to Quebec. Learn, grow and settle forever!

Quebec Immigration Process

Why Quebec??

Quebec is situated to the west of Ontario province. It’s the second most populated province. Quebec is surrounded by numerous bays and estuaries. The climate in the major cities is four-season snowy winters combined with warm to hot humid summers, continental with cold. The main sectors playing leading roles are of the knowledge economy such as aerospace, information and communication technologies, biotechnology, and the pharmaceutical industry also.

Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP)

The Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) is developed by the Government of Quebec and the Canadian Federal Government, allowing highly educated and trained foreign individuals to migrate to Quebec as skilled workers. Prospective migrants who apply to the Skilled Worker Quebec Program are given a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) according to a selection grid of factors, which they can use to apply for Canadian permanent residency.

Quebec is becoming next favorite choice to learn earn and live for many immigrants worldwide. Every year Quebec welcomes some 45,000 immigrants from over 100 countries who actively participate in its economic, social and cultural development. The more you know about Quebec, the better you will be able to make informed decisions and the best choices for you!

About Quebec:

  • Competitive operating cost are mainly advantageous with efficient network system affords easy access anywhere. From the last many years Quebec is Canadian center for venture capital.
  • Healthy and well-structured business environment opportunities for business success are more. You can imagine better life prospect and gain them by settling in Quebec.
  • Quebec tax system is unique and attracts many businesses to settle and grow. Here tax system is based on a tax rate on profits. This make Quebec system highly competitive.
  • Flexible administrative procedure, excellent business support programs, quality labor force and most importantly extensive potential markets make this country the ideal most destination for immigrants.
  • In Quebec, within a perimeter of thousands of kilometers market of more than 130 million consumers awaits YOU. It has free trade agreement with United States of America (USA) & Mexico which means this market is expected to grow by leaps and bounce in future.


  • The backbone of the economy is, biotechnology, and the pharmaceutical industry.
  • No Job offer Letter required.
  • High Standard of Living.
  • No ECA evaluation is required.
  • It has an advanced, open and market-based economy.

Interested in applying to immigrate to Québec?

The permanent selection application process is now based on the expression of interest principle. People interested in immigrating to Québec must first complete and submit an expression of interest. Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration then invites those whose profile corresponds to Québec’s needs to submit a permanent selection application.

Eligibility criteria for the QSW Program:

  • A score of at least 50 points for single and 59 point for family
  • Can apply with IELTS 5 bands in each. Minimum Qualification needed is Post-secondary diploma in a specific trade that required at least 2 years of full-time study after secondary school.
  • Minimum 1-year work experience in the last 10 years in National Occupation Classification (NOC) skill level 0, A, or B.
  • Have proof of Settlement funds and settlement plan.
Hemail Pandya Visa

We are delighted 😀. SWEC fulfilled our dreams.Standing together like a family member and gave full support and cooperation.The process of Student Visa and Dependent Visa was very good.My husband and my child got visa with me, full credit goes to swec.Thank you so much to all team members 😀

Hemail Pandya Visa

We are delighted 😀. SWEC fulfilled our dreams.Standing together like a family member and gave full support and cooperation.The process of Student Visa and Dependent Visa was very good.My husband and my child got visa with me, full credit goes to swec.Thank you so much to all team members 😀

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